I'm working on a Quaternion program that allows a user to 3D rotate an image on the right hand side, so that it matches an image on the left hand side. So far, I have a solution that allows user to update the updateRotation() in the HTML file using buttons:
<span class="rbText">X : </span><input type="button" id="xDn" class="btn" value="-" onclick="updateRotation( -5, 0, 0);" disabled/>
<span class="rbText"> </span><input type="button" id="xUp" class="btn" value="+" onclick="updateRotation( 5, 0, 0);" disabled/></br>
<span class="rbText">Y : </span><input type="button" id="yDn" class="btn" value="-" onclick="updateRotation( 0,-5, 0);" disabled/>
<span class="rbText"> </span><input type="button" id="yUp" class="btn" value="+" onclick="updateRotation( 0, 5, 0);" disabled/></br>
I know want to allow the user to use key inputs to update the rotation.
Here's my JS
var currentId=0;
var maxTrials = 6;
var dateStart, dateEnd;
var value;
//user clicks start to begin trial
function clickedStart(){
//get the current pattern
document.getElementById('btnStart').disabled = true; //disable start button
timerOperation(true); //start clock
function parsePattern(unparsedStr, patSet){
var spl = unparsedStr.split("-");
var i=0;
patSet.pattern = spl[i++];
patSet.xL = spl[i++];
patSet.yL = spl[i++];
patSet.zL = spl[i++];
patSet.xR = spl[i++];
patSet.yR = spl[i++];
patSet.zR = spl[i++];
function getKeyInput(){
document.getElementById('canvasRight').onkeyclick = function(e){
e = e || event
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 37: // left
return false
case 38: // up
return false
case 39: // right
return false
case 40: // down
return false
//we apply global rotation and not local rotation
function updateRotation(xRot, yRot,zRot){
//the rotation is in terms of absolute rotation, so note the quaternion rotation order
var q = getQuaternion(xRot, yRot, zRot);// get rotation provided by current interaction
q.multiply(t3DRQuat); //apply to existing orientation
q.normalize(); //keep the quaternion normalized... accrual of rounding errors causes drift
t3DRQuat.copy(q); //copy the new orientation into t3DRQuat
t3DRight_shape.quaternion.copy(q); //apply orientation to shape
//if there has been one update, then we can enable the end button
if(document.getElementById('btnEnd').disabled) document.getElementById('btnEnd').disabled = false;
And my HTML file:
<div id="base" class="main">
<div id="topBand" class="div-band"></div>
<div id="canvasLeft" class="div-float-left">
<div id="canvasRight" class="div-float-right" tabindex = "0">
<div id="bottomBand" class="control-band">
<span class = "controlHelp">Control Panel</span>
<div id="startControl" class="startDoneTextBox">
<button type="controlButton" onclick="clickedStart();" id="btnStart"><span class="btn" id="btnStartText">Start!</span></button></br>
<button type="controlButton" onclick="clickedEnd();" id="btnEnd" disabled><span class="btn" id="btnEndText">Done!</span></button></br>
<span class = "guideHelp">Match the 3D shape on the left by rotating the shape on the right</span></br>
<span class = "userHelp">1. Press Start to load the images</span></br>
<span class = "userHelp">2. Press the image on the right and use the arrow keys to change position</span></br>
<span class = "userHelp">3. Press Done, when you think the shapes are matched</span></br>
My updateRotation() works fine with the button approach. But when I try to use the keys, absolutely nothing happens. Is my getKeyInput() the source of the problem?
Use onkeydown
or onkeypress
or onkeyup
instead of onkeyclick