I want to write code in Verilog for a Ring Oscillator.
Here is my code:
module RingOsci(enable, w1, w2, w3);
input enable;
output w1, w2, w3;
wire w4;
and (w4, enable, w3);
not #2(w2, w1);
not #2(w3, w2);
not #2(w1, w4);
But, W_i
is always Z.
Here is my test bench:
module RingOsciTB();
reg en;
wire out1, out2, out3;
initial begin
en = 1'b0;
en = 1'b1;
How can I change the Z value and enable the Oscillator?
You need to add an instance of your design module in your testbench. For example:
module RingOsciTB();
reg en;
wire out1, out2, out3;
RingOsci dut (
// Inputs:
.enable (en),
// Outputs:
.w1 (out1),
.w2 (out2),
.w3 (out3)
initial begin
en = 1'b0;
en = 1'b1;