When being in a state "a1" how can I show that the next arrows will have a precedence over each other, without having an overhead of extra states?
Full example:
state and signals x && y
are asserted: we go to state b1x && z
is asserted then we go to state b2x
is asserted then we go to state b3Visual concept:
In the above "FSM" we can't see that x && y
is checked before the other two.
Code snippet:
always_comb begin
case (states)
a1: begin
if (x && y)
next_state = b1;
else if (x && z)
next_state = b2;
else if (x)
next_state = b3;
next_state = a1;
Ideally, you'd need to cover all the possible combinations of input events in each state to get a proper DFA (deterministic FSM).
However, you can get away by fully specifying the triggers in terms of input signals, and let your HDL default to "no transition". In that case:
to b1
may be triggered by x && y && !z
to b2
may be triggered by x && !y && z
to b3
may be triggered by x && !y && !z
(with !
denoting logical 'not').
With an alphabet of 3 symbols (your three input signals), you get 2^3 = 8 possible combinations in every state. Ask yourself: in your current design, what happens if all of x
, y
and z
get asserted ? You need to be specific about that.
Let me be more specific.
Let's consider A
, B
, C
, ... H
as events, each representing one possible combination of input signals, such as:
x y z
A 0 0 0
B 0 0 1
C 0 1 0
D 0 1 1
E 1 0 0
F 1 0 1
G 1 1 0
H 1 1 1
Then try to express your transitions in terms of A
, B
, C
, ... H
. If you can, the resulting FSM is suitable to your task. If you can't, you should probably rethink your logic.