The following StringTemplate gives me an "invalid character '}'" exception because of the closing curly brace after return null;
$StatementList:{statement |
public T $statement$(X x) { return null; } }$
I want to have an output like:
public T statement1(X x) {return null; }
public T statement2(X x) {return null; }
How can I escape this closing curly brace?
I couldn't find a way of escaping characters, but I did manage to get it to work using the unicode character for curly braces instead.
statementTemplate(StatementList) ::= <<
<StatementList:{statement |
public T <statement>(X x) <\u007B> return null; <\u007D> }>
which produced:
public T statement1(X x) { return null; }
public T statement2(X x) { return null; }
public T statement3(X x) { return null; }