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Scala optimizing optional string parsing

We need to create an request query-string, from a case class. The case class contains optional attributes:

case class Example(..., str: Option[String], ..)

We want to create a query-parameter if the option exists, and no query parameter otherwise. Like:

match example.str {
  case Some(s) => s"&param_str=$s"
  case _ => ""

as this appearing at numerous places I want it to make a bit more generic:

def option2String(optionString: Option[String], template: String) = {
optionString match {
  case Some(str) => template.replaceAll("\\$str", str)
  case _ =>  ""

But I think it can be done more elegant or scala idiomatic, may be with call-by-name arguments?


  • I would use fold

    example.str.fold("")("&param_str=" + _)

    If you have multiple parameters you can try this:

    List("&param1_str=" + _),"&param2_str=" + _),"&param3_str=" + _)
    ).flatten.mkString(" ")