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How to update jstree node values without reload

I have a jstree that I created with the following code:

$('#mytree').jstree({"core": { "data" : value
                             , "themes" : { "dots": false
                                          , "icons": false }

I can rebuild it with new data by this code:

$('#mytree').jstree(true) = new_data;

but it can be expensive when you have a lot of nodes. What I would like to achieve is that I would like update the value of the elements (i.e. the node.text part) without rebuilding the whole tree. I get the new values via websocket in one message (the complete JSON string that will be the new_data) but the structure is not changing. How can I do that? Thank you!


  • What you need is not refresh() but redraw() thus the code is

    $('#mytree').jstree(true) = new_data;

    You can find the functions in the jstree API.

    As per zmirc suggestion, in v3.1 use:

    $('#mytree').jstree(true) = new_data;