This is a follow-up post on my earlier question here.
@StéphaneLaurent and @ismirsehregal provided me with some great input on how to customize jsTreeR's context menu:
nodes <- list(
text = "Branch 1",
state = list(opened = TRUE, disabled = FALSE),
type = "parent",
children = list(
list(text = "Leaf A", type = "undeletable", state = list(disabled = FALSE), data = list(customdata = 1)),
list(text = "Leaf B", type = "undeletable", state = list(disabled = FALSE), data = list(customdata = 2)),
list(text = "Leaf C", type = "undeletable", state = list(disabled = FALSE), data = list(customdata = 3)),
list(text = "Leaf D", type = "undeletable", state = list(disabled = FALSE), data = list(customdata = 4))
list(text = "Branch 2", type = "parent", state = list(opened = TRUE))
ui <- fluidPage(
customMenu <- JS(
"function customMenu(node) {
var tree = $('#mytree').jstree(true);
var items = {
'rename' : {
'label' : 'Rename',
'action' : function (obj) { tree.edit(node); },
'icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-edit'
'delete' : {
'label' : 'Delete',
'action' : function (obj) { tree.delete_node(node); },
'icon' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-trash'
'create' : {
'label' : 'Create',
'action' : function (obj) { tree.create_node(node); },
'icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus'
if (node.children.length > 0) { items.delete._disabled = true; }
if (node.type === 'undeletable') { items.rename._disabled = true;
items.delete._disabled = true;
items.create._disabled = true;
return items;
server <- function(input, output, session){
output[["mytree"]] <- renderJstree({
search = list(
show_only_matches = TRUE,
case_sensitive = FALSE,
search_leaves_only = FALSE
dragAndDrop = TRUE,
multiple = TRUE,
contextMenu = list(items = customMenu),
types = list(default = list(icon = "fa fa-caret-right"), undeletable = list(icon = "fa-solid fa-leaf"), parent = list(icon = "fa-brands fa-pagelines")),
theme = "proton"
shinyApp(ui, server)
However, on top of that I'd like to prevent dropping branch nodes on leaf nodes.
Accordingly, instead of configuring it for the whole tree (dragAndDrop = TRUE
) I'd like to distinguish between different node types:
Not allowed:
I think you just need:
dnd <- list(
is_draggable = JS(
"function(node) {",
" return node[0].type !== 'parent';",
dragAndDrop = TRUE, dnd = dnd,
types = ......,
checkCallback = TRUE
In this way, branch nodes are not draggable. Is it what you want?
Regarding your comment:
checkCallback <- JS(
"function(operation, node, parent, position, more) {",
" if(operation === 'move_node') {",
" if( === '#' || parent.type !== 'parent') {",
" return false;", # prevent moving a child above or below the root
" }", # and moving inside a child
" }",
" return true;", # allow everything else
dragAndDrop = TRUE,
types = ......,
checkCallback = checkCallback