I am trying to build a shinydashboard for my workplace to create a searchable table to display who is good at doing what in our different branches.
I wanted to have two sidebar items, to filter the table either by location, or by techniques. The location would be a tree (Country/City/Name), and the technique a set of buttons.
My issue is when I jump from one tab to the other. If I close the location tab before jumping to the technique tab (or the reverse), everything works fine, but if I open the technique tab without closing the location, the tree disappears, and I can't get it back.
Similar to my other post Here I tried to inspect the page, I can see that the line <ul class="jstree-container-ul jstree-children jstree-no-icons jstree-striped" role="group"> gets a new argument style="display: none;"
once another panel is open, and this will not be overwritten when I reopen the panel. Typing something in the text bar does restore display to block, but I dont know how to force display : block when I click on the panel. I tried to use the same trick as the other post, but I cant find how to adapt it to shinytree.
js <- " $(document).ready(function() { $('a[href=\"#shiny-tab-location\"').on('click', function() { $('.treejs-nodes').css('display', 'block'); }); }) "
My code to reproduce :
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Filters"),
# Increase the width of the sidebar panel
menuItem("By Location", tabName = "location", icon = icon("earth-europe"),
style = "max-height: 42vh; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: auto;", # Set the maximum height and provide a scrollbar
shinyTree("tree", stripes = TRUE, multiple = TRUE, animation = TRUE, checkbox = TRUE, search=TRUE, themeIcons = FALSE)
menuItem("By Technique", tabName = "technique", icon = icon("microscope"),
# Adjust column sizing and spacing
column(3, actionBttn(inputId = "group1_btn", label = "Btn1", style = "jelly", color = "danger")),
column(3, actionBttn(inputId = "group2_btn", label = "Btn1", style = "jelly", color = "danger")),
column(3, actionBttn(inputId = "group3_btn", label = "Btn1", style = "jelly", color = "danger"))
# Technique checkboxes will be displayed here in the body
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$tree <- renderTree({
root1 = list(
SubListA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "", leaf3=""),
SubListAB = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "", leaf3=""),
SubListAC = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "", leaf3="")
root2 = list(
SubListB = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "", leaf3=""),
SubListBA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "", leaf3=""),
SubListBC = list(leafA = "", leafB = "")
Problem was solved on Github
I'm not sure why this stays hidden, but the following fixed the issue for me:
observeEvent(input$sidebarItemExpanded, { runjs("$('#tree > ul').css('display', 'block');") })