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Ajax instant insert in database

I'm trying to make an instant insert and instant deletion in my database. (By instant I mean: no reloading. Just the same as a Facebook like button)

So, with some help, I got on this :

    var ID = $(this).attr("id");
    var id_membre = "<?php $_SESSION['membre'] ?>";
    var lus = "<?php echo $lus; ?>";

    if(lus = 0)
        type: "POST",
        url: "add.php",
        data: {"id_livre": id, "id_membre" : id_membre}
    else {
        type: "POST",
        url: "delete.php",
        data: {"id_livre": id, "id_membre" : id_membre}

Clicking on the button, if the user has not read the article (lus = 0), it adds a line in the database, if it has already read (lus = 1) and clicked, it removes the line.

What do you think. I'm sure there is several errors but this is a beginning.

Thank you for your help. Cordially.


  • if(lus == 0)
    else {

    and I will add a success function :


    and an error function :
