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Open FaceTime programmatically without any number or apple id - iOS8

Till iOS8, I was able to open the FaceTime app from my App using the below code.

If I have the number, A call will be directly made, if it is nil, it would just open up FaceTime.

But since iOS8, in case of empty number, FaceTime don't open at all.

NSString *temp =@"facetime://";
        if(number && number.length>0){
            temp = [temp stringByAppendingString:number];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:temp]];


  • iOS accepts the following URL:

    facetime://[email protected]

    According to their FaceTime Links.

    If FaceTime doesn't launch with empty number, it may just be their way of cleaning up old code.