I am working on writing a simple blog in Golang using Martini, the Martini-Contrib Renderer package, and Blackfriday.
I am able to get the post into the DB and out of the DB with no issues. I even get the Body of the post out of the DB and into my struct as html however when we render the template the output is just plain text html and not looking pretty like it should.
Code is hosted here:
Any help would be great.
You can see what it's doing here:
Golang templates escape variables by default. You can use template.HTML
instead of string
when it contains HTML and the source is trusted (which, in this instance, it seems to be).
type HTML string
HTML encapsulates a known safe HTML document fragment. It should not be used for HTML from a third-party, or HTML with unclosed tags or comments. The outputs of a sound HTML sanitizer and a template escaped by this package are fine for use with HTML.
The way I would fix it would be by changing this
type Post struct {
Title string
Body string
Author string
Date string
type Post struct {
Title string
Body template.HTML
Author string
Date string
And then change
post.Body = string(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(preFormatMarkdown)))
post.Body = template.HTML(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(preFormatMarkdown)))