I have a macro that pulls data from a column in another workbook. Both the source and the target workbooks have variable row counts, and columns in either of them can move around at any point, so the columns are matched based on header names rather than column indexes.
The problem that I'm having is that the header row in my target worksheet keeps getting overwritten by the macro and replaced with the header name from the source worksheet. So for example if the target column is called "Supplier" I don't want it to get overwritten by the source worksheets column that is named "Vendor". I have tried implementing the ListHeaderRows functionality with no success, can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?
Hint: the header rows begin on row 2, not row 1.
Set g = target_sheet.Rows(2).Find(what:="Supplier", _
lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not g Is Nothing Then
Set mainVendorCol = g.EntireColumn
lHeadersRows = mainVendorCol.ListHeaderRows
If lheaderrows > 0 Then
Set mainVendorCol = mainVendorCol.Resize(mainVendorCol.Rows.Count - lHeadersRows)
Set mainVendorCol = mainVendorCol.Offset(2)
End If
Set ran = mainVendorCol
For Each c In ran.Cells
id = c.EntireRow.Cells(3).Value
If Len(id) > 0 Then
r = Application.Match(id, srcIdCol, 0)
If Not IsError(r) Then
c.Value = Application.Index(srcVendorCol, r, 1)
End If
End If
Next c
End Sub
Here is how I do it. It may seem a little long winded at first but once you're set up there's very little maintenance and you can use it in all your projects.
I have a Class Module called cColumn:
Option Explicit
Private msHeader As String
Private miNumber As Integer
Public Property Get Header() As String
Header = msHeader
End Property
Public Property Let Header(ByVal sHeader As String)
msHeader = sHeader
End Property
Public Property Get Number() As Integer
Number = miNumber
End Property
Public Property Let Number(ByVal iNumber As Integer)
miNumber = iNumber
End Property
I instantiate this class in a procdure:
Dim colMainInfoColumns As Collection
Dim avarMainInfoColumnsToFind() As Variant
'this is a list of columns I want to find, you could also use an array:
avarMainInfoColumnsToFind = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Columns") _
Set colMainInfoColumns = ColumnBuilder(wksMainInfo, avarMainInfoColumnsToFind)
If colMainInfoColumns Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
I use this function (you can put this in your class module if you want) to create the collection of columns - this looks at row 1, either amend to row 2 or create a new parameter for the row number.
Private Function ColumnBuilder(wksToSearch As Worksheet, avarColumnsToFind() As Variant) As Collection
'---loops a worksheet and creates collection of columns---
'---collection key = column name without spaces---
Dim colColumns As Collection, clsColumn As cColumn, iIndex As Integer
Dim iColfound As Integer, sError As String
Set colColumns = New Collection
For iIndex = LBound(avarColumnsToFind, 1) To UBound(avarColumnsToFind, 1)
On Error Resume Next
iColfound = wksToSearch.Rows(1).Find(what:=avarColumnsToFind(iIndex, 1), lookat:=xlWhole).Column
On Error GoTo 0
If iColfound > 0 Then
Set clsColumn = New cColumn
clsColumn.Header = avarColumnsToFind(iIndex, 1)
clsColumn.Number = iColfound
colColumns.add clsColumn, ConvertStringToKey(avarColumnsToFind(iIndex, 1))
sError = sError & vbNewLine & avarColumnsToFind(iIndex, 1)
End If
If sError = "" Then
Set ColumnBuilder = colColumns
Set ColumnBuilder = Nothing
MsgBox "Unable to process script as the following columns were not found on " & wksToSearch.Name & ":" _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & sError
End If
End Function
Private Function ConvertStringToKey(ByVal sKey As Variant)
sKey = Replace(sKey, " ", "")
ConvertStringToKey = sKey
End Function
You can then access your columns by key without spaces, eg:
Returns col number of the "Tenant Reference" column:
Counts number of populated cells in the "Tenant Referance" column: