Search code examples

Sparql property filter

How does one figure out what the ontological property relationships are in order to know how to craft a sparql query properly?

For example, if I want the Major League Baseball teams that have won a world series.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <> 
PREFIX owl: <> 
PREFIX db: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX category: <>
PREFIX purl: <>
PREFIX ps: <>

select  distinct *  
where { 
  ?team rdf:type owl:BaseballTeam .
  { ?team rdf:type yago:MajorLeagueBaseballTeams . }
  #{ ?team dbprop:champion dbpedia:Major_League_Baseball }

If I uncomment the last line in the query, I get no results. Looking at :

I see:

is dbpprop:champion of  dbpedia:American_League

I am unsure of how I would structure the syntax to filter only teams that have won a world series (Champion) and I am really confused on how to discover what the actual query prefixes ought to be.


  •    is dbpprop:champion of  dbpedia:American_League 

    This sentence means that American_leage has a property champion which declares teams that have won the league.

    Is-Of just tells you which properties that have the resource, you are looking at, as range. If you click your way through to the domain you can see that it has a property pointing to the initial resource. Just take a look at the dbpedia resource for American_league.

    So, you have to structure your query like this to get the result you want. (You almost had it, it is just the other way around)

    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX dbpedia: <>  
    PREFIX owl: <> 
    PREFIX db: <>
    PREFIX dbpprop: <>
    PREFIX skos: <>
    PREFIX category: <>
    PREFIX purl: <>
    PREFIX ps: <>
    select distinct *  
    where { 
      ?team rdf:type owl:BaseballTeam .
      ?team rdf:type yago:MajorLeagueBaseballTeams .
      // Like the one below
      dbpedia:Major_League_Baseball dbprop:champion ?team