When I start node v0.11.14 REPL with --harmony
option and try for-of loop, I get:
> for (var i of [3, 4, 5]) console.log(i);
TypeError: undefined is not a function
The same for sets. But it works fine with generators:
> function* Counter() { var n=3; while (n < 7) { yield n++; } }
> var c = new Counter();
> for (var i of c) console.log(i);
Though the first example from ecmascript wiki page is:
for (word of ["one", "two", "three"]) {
MDN page and Traceur docs contain the same example. I've failed to google "for-of in nodejs". Should it actually work in Node or am I missing something?
for .. of
and iterable objects were implemented separately in v8. It looks like in v8 bundled with node 0.11.14 you can use it only with generators.
You can check obj[Symbol.iterator]
property to see if object is iterable, it should be a function. In my node build with v8 3.29.93 everything works as expected. So, you probably have to wait for the next 0.11 release (or 0.12).