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Is it possible to write a weakly polymorphism function without involving ref or partial application?

let remember =
   let cache = ref None in
    (fun x ->  match !cache with
         | Some y -> y
         | None -> cache := Some x; x)

is weakly polymorphism, but involving ref.

Any ways to write a weakly polymorphism function without involving ref or partial application?


  • Sure. Module abstraction will do it, essentially instructing the compiler to abandon all information about the implementation:

    module Example : sig
      type 'a t
      val create : unit -> 'a t
    end = struct
      type 'a t = int
      let create () = 0

    and the weakly polymorphic result:

    # let x = Example.create ();;
    val x : '_a Example.t = <abstr>

    (Note that if you wanted polymorphism here, you would use variance annotations to recover it.)

    It's also easy to construct examples based on mutable structures other than ref (arrays, mutable fields), but that's not very instructive as it is pretty much the same thing.