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PHP Get Number From Text Input And Compare To Decimal From DB

I'm running some PHP that queries regularly from a MySQL DB.

In my DB I have a decimal (5,4) field with an assortment of values, some of them real integers and some of them decimal numbers.

I'd like to take an <input type="text"> tag from a form, $_GET the number the user entered, then compare it to a value in the DB.

Which of the three is the best way to go about this:

  1. Convert the $_GET['user_value] variable to float, then compare to DB value.
  2. Convert the $_GET['user_value] variable to integer, then compare to DB value.
  3. Convert both $_GET['user_value] to strings, and then compare the two.

BTW: I need all the information after the decimal point.

MY CODE - $user_answer is the user's input, $correct_answer is DB Value

switch ($grid_type)
        //If Single: Just Match Two Correct Answers
        case "single": 

            if($user_answer === $correct_answer)
                $is_correct = 1;
                $is_correct = 0;


        //If Multiple: Check to see if user_answer Matches any of correct_answers
        case "multiple": 

            if($user_answer === $correct_answer OR $correct_answer_2 OR $correct_answer_3 OR $correct_answer_4 OR $correct_answer_5)
                $is_correct = 1;
                $is_correct = 0;


        //If range: Check if user_answer is between the two range values
        case "range": 

            if($user_answer > $correct_range_bottom AND $user_answer < $correct_range_top)
                $is_correct = 1;
                $is_correct = 0;


        "An Error Has Occured - All Of Your Base Are Belong To Us.";


  • @Tom None of the solution you listed are good. What you want to do is this:

    get whatever value the user entered (using POST/GET request - post is prefered) then

    $user_value = $_POST['user_value'];
    $user_value = sprintf('%0.4f',$user_value);
    echo $user_value;
    echo 'Wrong number entered';

    then you compare with the value from the DB.