I've designed a curved path like the below figure.
The cube move along the path from the left side to the right side of scene by this line of code:
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject,iTween.Hash("oncomplete","destroying","orienttopath", true, "path",path,"time",1.6,"easetype",iTween.EaseType.linear,"movetopath",false));
the EaseType parameter is was selected linear and I expect to path the path with a constant velocity, however the speed is reduced when the cube is in the curved path (left side before the midpoint) and then in a straight path it accelerates and catches it up.
I would like to know how can I define a constant speed for entire path.
iTween will take the same time going from node 1 to node 2 as it will going from node 2 to node 3. Since your first 2 nodes are close together it will go slowly here and speed up towards the third.
If you get a more uniform distance between your nodes you'll experience a smoother path using linear easetype