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How to perform RDF ontology matching

What is the best way to perform the matching between two ontologies so that I can get a similarity score between the two ontologies which can make the job of integration easy (integration of data from different RDF)


  • There are several ways of mapping triples to an ontology. You can do it in Protégé, use SPARQL constructs, SWRL rules or do it with a programming library like Jena and RDFlib. I would choose the approach you are most familiar with. If that is Jena, I would do that. There you can use several of Jena's mapping functions to do most of the work for you. Just check the Jena API for reference.

    Personally I think the best way and the most safest way is to use Protégé, but for a quicker and more hackier solution a SPARQL contruct might work. Like this example:

        ?lexicon vso:fuelType ?fuel .
        ?fuel a gr:QualitativeValue .
    } WHERE {
        [ co:lexicon ?lexicon ;
            co:confVarId "PT1628" ;
            co:hasValue ?fuel ] .

    Here I want to turn a lexicon entry into a Qualitative value object and set the lexicon to have a property fuelType to this object.