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Unpack ISO8583 version 93 using jpos

Hi I am using JPOS for packing and unpacking ISO8583 version 1993 financial messages. My sample message is like

"1200ð0 €       (1699999900000000003110000000000000000000323221152172201308202147072013082020006504465323221152172FKL0033U        40UNI  CHANDANNAGAR    WEST BENGAL     INDINR041300000^0153001530103422610^356^0.00^0200^32027                0927010185639003MOB005UBNET"

Will jpos be able to unpack as the primary bitmap looks like junk.Can i use iso93ascii.xml to unpack or anything else required?


  • Please take a look at this blog post that explains why you think the bitmap is junk:

    It is not, problem is you're seeing an ASCII representation, which has unprintable characters.

    Get a real binary dump.