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How to fix and error cause by unknown mediator iso8583 in wso2 ESB

hi everyone i try to use iso8583 connector in WSO2 ESB, i already follow this link but still got an error even i copied all the source exactly the same like in this link anyone can give me solutions about it ?

this is the error i always got when i run the project Caused by: org.apache.synapse.SynapseException: Unknown mediator referenced by configuration element : {}iso8583


  • This error indicates that the ESB cannot find the connector during the runtime.

    You can verify whether the connector is properly deployed if the connector name is visible in /repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/imports. If the connector is not available you need to add the connector to the ESB runtime.

    You need to download the connector from the store[1] and add it to the ESB through the management console under connectors --> Add.

    You can also add the connector through a connector exporter project[2] if you are deploying services using a car application.

