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Postgres: How to get the value of a dynamic column from triggers

I am trying to get the value of a column so that it can be inserted into a table that holds the column name and column value of the inserted row, however, I have not been able to get the value of the column that I need. Normally, I would be able to use value := NEW.column_name but each table has a unique key column name that is in the table name itself (I know, that's bad), but I already have a way to get the column name that I want, it's getting the NEW value of that column that's the problem.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trgfn_keyvalue_insert()
    RETURNS trigger AS
       key_column_value character varying;
       key_column_name character varying;
       part text;
       part_array text[] := array['prefix_','_suffix'];
       key_column_name := TG_TABLE_NAME;     --parsing the table name to get the desired column name
       FOREACH part IN ARRAY part_array LOOP
          key_column_name = regexp_replace(cat, part, '');
       END loop; 

       IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN    
       EXECUTE 'SELECT $1 FROM $2'           --This is where I'd like to get the 
          INTO key_column_value              --value of the column
          USING key_column_name, NEW;    

       INSERT INTO inserted_kvp
          (table_name, key, value)
          (TG_TABLE_NAME, key_column_name, key_column_value);
       END IF;

       RETURN NEW;
       LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE

So, when I INSERT into a table:

    CREATE TABLE prefix_kvp1_suffix AS id SERIAL, kvp1 CHARACTER VARYING;
    CREATE TABLE prefix_kvp2_suffix AS id SERIAL, kvp2 CHARACTER VARYING;

    INSERT INTO prefix_kvp1_suffix VALUES (1, 'value1');
    INSERT INTO prefix_kvp2_suffix VALUES (1, 'value2');

I would like for the inserted_kvp table to have the following:

    |    table_name    |key |value |

Instead, I get the following error when inserting:

    ERROR:  syntax error at or near "$2"
    LINE 1: SELECT $1 FROM $2
    CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function worldmapkit.trgfn_keyvalue_insert() line 13 at EXECUTE statement

I have tried different variations of getting this value by using EXECUTE format() and a few other ways, but I am still not having any luck. Any help is appreciated!


  • After much fiddling, I found the answer to my question. The correct syntax for the EXECUTE statement above is:

        EXECUTE format('SELECT $1.%I', key_column_name) 
        INTO key_column_value
        USING NEW;

    This will get the column value of the NEW record. Hopefully, this will help out someone in a similar situation.