My session config file says to use memcached, but all artisan commands are loading the "array" driver instead. I'm writing a web sockets application with Ratchet and need to connect to Memcached to get the user's session information, but seems to ignore my config.
Where and how does Laravel determine which session drivers to use for Artisan commands?
According to Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider\SessionServiceProvider::setupDefaultDriver()
Laravel will set the session driver to array if running in console.
You can easily override this by registering your custom service provider. Create a custom service provider, extend the default session service provider and override the method setupDefaultDriver)
. Here is my custom service provider for example:
<?php namespace App\Console;
use Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider as DefaultSessionProvider;
class SessionServiceProvider extends DefaultSessionProvider
protected function setupDefaultDriver() {}
Then open up config/app.php
and replace 'Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider'
with 'App\Console\SessionServiceProvider'
Now artisan will also use the same session storage as Laravel app.
Since you are trying to attach the session to Ratchet, You can directly inject this session instance into Ratchet app:
$session = new \Ratchet\Session\SessionProvider(
new MyCustomRatchetApp(),
$server = new \Ratchet\App('localhost');
$server->route('/sessDemo', $session);