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Facebook Graph API Object_id

I need to send a URL to list of selected friends. I am using following code:

// Use FB.ui to send the Request(s)
   FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
   to: sendUIDs,
   title: 'testing',
   message: 'testing send.',
   **object_id: 'YOUR_OBJECT_ID'**
   }, callback);

I am not sure what is object_id here. Can any one please explain?

Thanks in advance.


  • As per the conversion here there is no way to get full list of users. You can either get invitable_friends who are not using the app or friends who are using the app.

    At a point I thought of combining both the list results and use it, but invitable_friends doesn't return the actual id of the user. It sends a temporary token for each user which can be used to send only apprequest.

    I hope this will help someone in future.

    Thanks for the support @ CBroe.