I'm a codeception newbie, I have try to do a simple acceptance test, but not work. I need your help, thanks. I refer to this [video]
This is my WelcomeCept.php
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create account');
$I->see('Create Account', 'a[href="simple/bootstrap"]');
$I->click('Create Account', 'a[href="simple/bootstrap"]');
$I->fillField('Username', 'test');
$I->fillField('Email', '[email protected]');
$I->fillField('Password', '123456');
$I->see('create success');
And this is my config
class_name: AcceptanceTester
- PhpBrowser
- AcceptanceHelper
url: 'http://localhost/ciexample/simple/read_account'
And I input this command
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run --steps
I get just one request, I have no idea. I don't get any error message.
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.0.4
Powered by PHPUnit 4.2.2 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Acceptance Tests (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trying to create account (WelcomeCept)
* I see "Create Account","a[href="simple/bootstrap"]"
I know this question, I miss amOnPage()
. And I should not use fillField
, because phpbrowser can't work on fillField. I refer this [answer]
$I->wantTo('view all data');
$I->amOnPage('/read_account'); // I miss this
$I->see('Create Account', 'a[href="simple/bootstrap"]');