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data inserting into database on page reload in Yii

data inserting into database on page reload in Yii

I have used two models: CName and CDetails in a single form. All is working well. Except, whenever I reload or refresh that form page, empty data is being inserted into the both tables of the database.

here's the controller code:

 public function actionCreate()
    $model=new CName;
    $model1=new CDetails;

    // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
    // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);

        && ($_POST['CDetails'])

        $valid = $model->validate();
        $valid = $model1->validate() && $valid;

        if(!empty($model) && !empty($model1)){


Now, whenever this page is reloaded, empty values are being inserted on the both model's tables. What is going wrong on the controller? I checked, but, everything seems okay. Please, any comment or instruction would be very helpful.

enter image description here


  • First of all^ you can get rid of this condition:

    if(!empty($model) && !empty($model1))

    it's useless as it's always nonempty.

    Saving data - do you have all fields stated in the rules of the models? At least they should be 'safe'.

    Also you can try to dump the errors:
