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What is the difference between O(N) + O(M) and O(N + M). Is there any?

I'm solving problems for interview practice and I can't seem to figure out the answer to the time and space complexity of the following problem:

Given two sorted Linked Lists, merge them into a third list in sorted order. Let's assume we are using descending ordering.

One of the answers I came across, which is clearly not the most efficient one, is the following recursive solution:

Node mergeLists(Node head1, Node head2) {
    if (head1 == null) {
        return head2;
    } else if (head2 == null) {
        return head1;

    Node newHead = null;
    if( < {
        newHead = head1; = mergeLists(, head2);
    } else {
        newHead = head2; = mergeLists(head1,;

    return newHead;

Now, when I was analyzing the complexity of this function, I came across an issue. I wasn't sure if it was O(M + N) or O(M) + O(N). I just cannot get an intuitive answer. It seems logical to me that the run-time and space complexities of this function are O(N) + O(M) or O(max(N,M)) since the larger value would drive the asymptotic curve (or the recursive calls and stack frame creations).

To sum up:

In big-Oh notation, what is the difference between O(N+M) and O(N) + O(M)? Is there any? If they differ, I would appreciate if somebody could provide simple examples of both.


  • O(N) + O(M) means functions that are bounded by cN + dM for some c and d.

    O(N + M) means functions that are bounded by e(N + M) for some e.

    They are equivalent because:

    cN + dM <= (c + d)(N + M) for some c and d.


    e(N + M) <= eN + eM for some e.