I am having some difficulty in populating a data into a composite line chart
I have the following data weekday(sunday,monday,tuesday...saturday)*hours(0,1,2,3...23)*minutes(0/30)
day hour minutes unique_counts
sunday 0 0 922
sunday 0 30 1011
sunday 1 0 1239
sunday 23 0 737
sunday 23 30 985
monday 0 0 1406
monday 23 0 545
monday 23 30 666
tuesday 0 0 829
tuesday 14 0 3059
tuesday 23 30 834
wednesday 23 30 874
thursday 23 30 839
friday 23 30 637
saturday 23 30 683
Is it possible to populate this structure to a chart ? As I am doing a lotta manual process such as rearranging the individual weekdays and its respective values into separate columns to create a chart. I have 10 similar sheets to repeat the process. Is there any way to automate the sheets or any generic procedure for this data to generate graph plot ?
X-Axis - hour&minutes (00:00, 00:30, 01:00,...23:00, 23:30)
Y-Axis - unique_counts (x,y,z ....)
individual data line for sunday/monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday/friday/saturday
P.S: if it is a easy process, please excuse me. I am not much proficient in excel. I spoke with a person who knows more excel than me and his suggestion was to record macro when re-arranging the data into individual columns and apply it for several sheets. As, I need more suggestions I am posting this question here.
Edit[13/08/2014]: I just got a chance to look into pivot table. Created a new time column concatenating the hour/minute fields. But still, have to do some manual process for each sheets to generate the pivot data and chart.
I have changed ...
Adding a column D with the formula:
D2 -> =B2+C2/60
to have the time value. Use the macro:
Dim Sr, e, i As Integer
e = 2
Sr = 1
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
For i = 2 To 9999
If (Cells(i, 1).Value = "") And (e + 1 = i) Then Exit For
If Cells(i, 1).Value <> Cells(e, 1).Value Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Sr).XValues = Range("D" & e & ":D" & i - 1)
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Sr).Values = Range("E" & e & ":E" & i - 1)
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Sr).Name = Cells(e, 1).Value
e = i
Sr = Sr + 1
End If
The code generate a multiline chart.
Without adding column:
Dim Sr, e, i, k As Integer
Dim Stri As String
e = 2
Sr = 1
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
For i = 2 To 9999
If (Cells(i, 1).Value = "") And (e + 1 = i) Then Exit For
If Cells(i, 1).Value <> Cells(e, 1).Value Then
Stri = "{"
For k = e To i - 1
Stri = Stri & (Cells(k, 2).Value + Cells(k, 3).Value / 60) & ";"
Stri = Mid(Stri, 1, Len(Stri) - 1) & "}"
Stri = Replace(Stri, ",", ".")
Stri = Replace(Stri, ";", ",")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Sr).Formula = "=SERIES(""" & Cells(e, 1).Value & """," & Stri & "," & ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & Range("D" & e & ":D" & i - 1).Address & "," & Sr & ")"
e = i
Sr = Sr + 1
End If
The new code rebuilt the formula for the chart...
Carefully with the second code, because the number are displayer like "," but inserted like ".".
That the reason for the replace function.