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Does a Swift subclass *always* have to call super.init()

If I have a swift subclass that:

  1. doesn't need to access self
  2. doesn't need to access any properties on self

Do I still have to call super.init() in the subclass's init() method?

*Note: This is a different question than the one asked and answered here on SO because of the specifics listed in 1 and 2 above.


  • No, you don't have to.

    Assume you have the following classes.

    class a {
        let name: String
        init() {
            name = "james"
    class b: a {
        let title: String
        override init() {
            title = "supervisor"

    If you instantiate a variable with

    let myVar = b()


    • override init() in b will be called
    • then the init() in a will be called

    Even though you didn't explicitly call super.init().

    This has been confirmed by Chris Laettner on the swift-user's email list. It kicks in when your super class has a single designated initializer with a zero-argument init. This is why you don’t have to call super.init() when deriving from NSObject.

    *Thanks to Wingzero's comment below