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Extending an entity

I have class named AbstractEntity, which is annotated with @MappedSuperclass. Then I have a class named User (@Entity) which extends AbstractEntity. Both of these exist in a package named When I use these two classes, everything works just fine. But now I've imported a jar containing these files to another project. I'd like to reuse the User class and expand it with a few additional fields. I thought that @Entity public class User extends would do the trick, but I found out that this implementation of the User only inherits the fields from AbstractEntity, but nothing from The question is, how can I get my second User class to inherit all the fields from the first User entity class?

Both User class implementation have different table names defined with @Table(name = "name").

My classes look like this


abstract public class AbstractEntity {

   @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    protected Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    protected Long consistencyVersion;



@Table(name = "foouser")
public class User extends AbstractEntity {

    protected String username;

    protected String password;


package some.application;

@Table(name = "myappuser")
public class User extends {

    protected String firstname;

    protected String lastname;

    protected String email;


With the code above, EclipseLink will create a table named "myappuser" containing the fields "id", "consistencyVersion", "firstname", "lastname" and "email". The fields "username" and "password" are not created to the table - and that is the problem I'm having.


  • With JPA, the default inheritance strategy (i.e. when not specified) is SINGLE_TABLE: there is only one table per inheritance hierarchy and all fields are persisted in the table of the base class.

    If you want to have a table for each class in the inheritance hierarchy and each table to contain columns for all inherited fields, you need to use a TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy.

    @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
    abstract public class AbstractEntity {
       @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
        protected Long id;
        @Column(nullable = false)
        protected Long consistencyVersion;