Details: In C# on Unity3d Searched on the unity documentation but the example doesn't fit to my case, same for other websites i visited. (i did not list them as i should.)
What i am trying to do is passing a class variable with a constructor to be a component:
CustomComponentClass ccc = new CustomComponentClass(2343, "blop");
I want to know if what i am trying shoud work, or if i missed something...
gameObject.AddComponent(ccc); -> cannot convert ccc to string.
gameObject.AddComponent<ccc>(); -> Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? (i'm not, i'm using a variable and all is in the same namespace)
gameObject.AddComponent<CustomComponentClass>(ccc); -> UnityEngine.GameObject.AddComponent(string) cannot be used with the type arguments
gameObject.AddComponent<CustomComponentClass>(2343, "blop"); -> No overload for method AddComponent takes 2 arguments
Whatever i try doesn't work. C# is not really like javascript, if i'm right we used to be able to pass variables in the addcomponent in js.
Context: I must absolutely pass it in the constructor. I have 2 fields that are private, and i can't affort it tobe static, constants, or public for safety reason.
Options: If the answer is too complicated for me i will probably make get/set and check if the fields are empty.
You absolutely do not need to pass it in to the constructor.
Instead create the component as normal (without parameters), add the component to the gameobject, then call a setup method on the component that provides the necessary parameters and runs whatever code you currently have in the constructor.