I wanted to use floating point numbers in System Verilog using the real
data type. I tried the following code, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm getting 2.000000
where I expect 2.500000
module real_check(input [31:0]a, [31:0]b,
output real c);
assign c = a/b;
Test bench:
module tb_real_check();
real c;
reg[31:0] a, b;
real_check dut(a, b, c);
a <= 5;
b <= 2;
$display("Answer : %f ", c);
You are doing integer division. When calculating int/int
), the result is an integer. So, when you calculate 5/2
, you get 2.5
truncated to 2
which is then converted into a floating point (real
) number as 2.000...
. If you want floating point division (which doesn't discard the decimal), you need to have your operands (dividend & divisor) be floating point.
So, to fix your code, your module needs to take two floating point numbers as input:
module real_check(input real a, real b,
output real c);
And in your test case, you need to declare a
and b
as floating point numbers:
real a, b;