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The import org.eclipse.jface cannot be resolved in Eclipse Luna

I wrote a plugin five years ago and it was correct (with no compiler error) in all version of Eclipse until Luna. When I updated my eclipse to Luna, I got two compiler errors.

The error is because of these two import statements. (The import org.eclipse.jface cannot be resolved, The import org.eclipse.swt cannot be resolved)

import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;

I wanted to add two new dependencies to the plugin file, but I could not find any relevent. For example, I could not find org.eclipse.jface.resource in dependency page.

Does anyone have any idea why the plugin works in Kepler, but has the above compiler errors in Luna?


  • Maybe this page can help you:

    Sections: Identify the Required External JAR Files for SWT and JFace and also Add the org.eclipse.swt Project to Your Java Project