I have two tables in my database that I want to compare.
View image for better viewing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rdn6kej6l9rk0lb/CapturaVendorClient.PNG
I want to compare if my knowledge_base.description contains any vendor.name values and store them in another field of knowledge base called vendor_name (is still not created)
Example of knowledge_base.description: Client: Deutsche Bank
Vendor: Santa Fe - Singapore
Invoice: 025516
Example of vendor.name: Santa Fe
I tried using like and other tutorials on the net but did not work for me.
Something so you can compare like this:
WHERE knowledge_base.descrition LIKE vendor.name
I think you need to create the crosswalk between Vendor and Knowledge_Base first, then inner join them so you can pull in the vendor name:
SELECT KB.*, VN.VDescription
FROM Knowledge_Base KB
select V.[Name] as VDescription, K.Description as KDescription
FROM vendor, knowledge_base
where knowledge_base.description like '%' + vendor.name + '%'
) VN
ON KB.Description = VN.KDescription