I have the following class:
class Label : public Object
Label ();
~Label ();
void create (const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const wchar_t* text);
void destroy ();
unsigned int x, y;
wchar_t* text;
void draw (HDC hdc);
void confirmed (ObjectManager* m);
With the following code:
Label::Label ()
type = LABEL;
text = NULL;
Label::~Label ()
destroy ();
void Label::create (const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const wchar_t* text)
unsigned int len = wcslen (text);
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->text = new wchar_t[len];
wcscpy (this->text, text);
void Label::destroy ()
if (text) {
delete[] text;
text = NULL;
if (m) {
m->remove (this);
m = NULL;
void Label::draw (HDC hdc)
if (text)
TextOut (hdc, x, y, text, wcslen (text));
void Label::confirmed (ObjectManager* m)
this->m = m;
When exiting the application Visual Studio reports a heap corruption. I called "create" first, then "confirmed" is called, then "draw" is called and finally the deconstructor is called. The text is initialized correct, so I don't know what the problem is in this code. Could someone explain what is wrong? The heap corruption happens when "delete[] text" is called.
wcslen - returns number of char not including \0
unsigned int len = wcslen (text);
this->text = new wchar_t[len + 1];