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SPARQL queries in Jena missing results when using <file:/test#> prefix?

I'm trying to get Individuals in my Ontology which have a certain property. I want all Individuals which are linked to a foot by the hasFoot property. In the past I used Jena's iterators, but now i want to use SPARQL. The Java code that creates my query:

String queryString =        
                "PREFIX rdf: <>"+
                "PREFIX owl: <>" +
                "PREFIX rdfs: <>" +
                "PREFIX test: <file:/test#>"+
                "select ?uri"+
                "where { "+
                "?uri test:hasFoot ?foot"+
                "} \n ";

But I don't get any results with this query. When I query for the properties of all triples I get these results:

"select ?prop "+
"where { "+
"?uri ?prop ?subj"+
"} \n ";

So SPARQL queries are clearly working. I can even search for the rdf:types, so the rdf namespace works, only my namespace (test) doesnt seem to work. I have also tried to write out the whole property name ("file:/test#hasFoot") with no results. Does anyone have an idea what I am missing?

Here is my ontology:

    xmlns:rdfs="" >

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot2">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Peter">
    <test:hasHand rdf:resource="file:/test#Hand2"/>
    <test:hasHand rdf:resource="file:/test#Hand1"/>
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot6"/>
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot5"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Individuum"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#hasName">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot1">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot3">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Hand">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#hasAge">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Human">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#hasFoot">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Doggy">
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot4"/>
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot3"/>
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot2"/>
    <test:hasFoot rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot1"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Individuum"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Hand2">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Hand"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot6">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#hasHand">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Individuum">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot5">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Hand1">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Hand"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:/test#Foot4">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="file:/test#Foot"/>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>


  • Your custom scheme is missing an authority and isn't a valid IRI.

    You can test the IRIs that your using by using one of the IRIFactory types that exist in jena. For example, if I were to run one of your IRIs through:

    public void correctUri() {
       final IRIFactory factory = IRIFactory.iriImplementation();
       final IRI iri = factory.construct("file:/test#johnsFoot");

    I get the following exception, indicating that the authority portion of the IRI is missing, so it's not an IRI:

    org.apache.jena.iri.impl.IRIImplException: <file:/test#johnsFoot> Code: 57/REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in AUTHORITY: A component that is required by the scheme is missing.
        at org.apache.jena.iri.impl.AbsIRIFactoryImpl.throwAnyErrors(
        at org.apache.jena.iri.impl.AbsIRIFactoryImpl.construct(
        at SO_Test.correctUri(

    Updating your ontology to use file://test# rather than file:/test# and running the following query:

    public void getAllProperties2() {
        final Query query = QueryFactory.create(
            "PREFIX rdf: <>"+
            "PREFIX owl: <>" +
            "PREFIX rdfs: <>" +
            "PREFIX test: <file://test#>"+
            "select * "+
            "where { "+
            "?uri ?prop ?subj"+
            "} \n "
        final QueryExecution exec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model1);
        final ResultSetRewindable results = ResultSetFactory.copyResults(exec.execSelect());
        ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

    Results in the output that you expect. Most notable is that the prefixes that you want to see are associated with your elements. The output is as follows:

    | uri             | prop         | subj                 |
    | test:Hand       | rdf:type     | owl:Class            |
    | test:Foot3      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot3      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:Human      | rdf:type     | owl:Class            |
    | <file://test>   | rdf:type     | owl:Ontology         |
    | test:Hand2      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Hand2      | rdf:type     | test:Hand            |
    | test:Individuum | rdf:type     | owl:Class            |
    | test:hasName    | rdf:type     | owl:DatatypeProperty |
    | test:Foot2      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot2      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:Hand1      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Hand1      | rdf:type     | test:Hand            |
    | test:Foot1      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot1      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:hasAge     | rdf:type     | owl:DatatypeProperty |
    | test:hasFoot    | rdf:type     | owl:ObjectProperty   |
    | test:hasHand    | rdf:type     | owl:ObjectProperty   |
    | test:Peter      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Peter      | rdf:type     | test:Individuum      |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasAge  | "98"                 |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasName | "Peter"              |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot5           |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot6           |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasHand | test:Hand1           |
    | test:Peter      | test:hasHand | test:Hand2           |
    | test:Foot6      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot6      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:Foot5      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot5      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:Doggy      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Doggy      | rdf:type     | test:Individuum      |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasName | "Doggy"              |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasAge  | "7"                  |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot1           |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot2           |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot3           |
    | test:Doggy      | test:hasFoot | test:Foot4           |
    | test:Foot4      | rdf:type     | owl:NamedIndividual  |
    | test:Foot4      | rdf:type     | test:Foot            |
    | test:Foot       | rdf:type     | owl:Class            |

    With your previous data, the following query results in different results:

    public void getAllProperties() {
        final Query query = QueryFactory.create(
            "PREFIX rdf: <>"+
            "PREFIX owl: <>" +
            "PREFIX rdfs: <>" +
            "PREFIX test: <file:/test#>"+
            "select * "+
            "where { "+
            "?uri ?prop ?subj"+
            "} \n "
        final QueryExecution exec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model0);
        final ResultSetRewindable results = ResultSetFactory.copyResults(exec.execSelect());
        ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

    results in:

    | uri                     | prop                 | subj                    |
    | <file:/test#Hand>       | rdf:type             | owl:Class               |
    | <file:/test#Foot1>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot1>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#hasFoot>    | rdf:type             | owl:ObjectProperty      |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Individuum> |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasName> | "Doggy"                 |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasAge>  | "7"                     |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot1>      |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot2>      |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot3>      |
    | <file:/test#Doggy>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot4>      |
    | <file:/test#Foot6>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot6>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#hasHand>    | rdf:type             | owl:ObjectProperty      |
    | <file:/test#hasName>    | rdf:type             | owl:DatatypeProperty    |
    | <file:/test>            | rdf:type             | owl:Ontology            |
    | <file:/test#Foot5>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot5>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#Human>      | rdf:type             | owl:Class               |
    | <file:/test#Hand2>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Hand2>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Hand>       |
    | <file:/test#Foot4>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot4>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#hasAge>     | rdf:type             | owl:DatatypeProperty    |
    | <file:/test#Hand1>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Hand1>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Hand>       |
    | <file:/test#Foot3>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot3>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Individuum> |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasAge>  | "98"                    |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasName> | "Peter"                 |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot5>      |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasFoot> | <file:/test#Foot6>      |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasHand> | <file:/test#Hand1>      |
    | <file:/test#Peter>      | <file:/test#hasHand> | <file:/test#Hand2>      |
    | <file:/test#Foot2>      | rdf:type             | owl:NamedIndividual     |
    | <file:/test#Foot2>      | rdf:type             | <file:/test#Foot>       |
    | <file:/test#Foot>       | rdf:type             | owl:Class               |
    | <file:/test#Individuum> | rdf:type             | owl:Class               |

    It seems that jena does not make a best-guess effort at enforcing the qname/prefix standards on invalid IRIs.