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Anorm's Row object no longer exists in Play 2.3

After upgrading to Play 2.3.0 I get this compilation error on object Row

not found: value Row

I noticed the Row object no longer exists in play 2.3.0 (I've found only the Row trait). Looking at the documentation, pattern matching should be still supported in Play 2.3

See "Using Pattern Matching" paragraph

Here's my code:

def findById(aId: Long) = {
  DB.withConnection { implicit conn =>
    SQL(byIdStmt).on("id" -> aId)().map {
      case Row(id:Integer, Some(userId:String), Some(description:String), 
               Some(solrCriteria:String), Some(solrCriteriaHash:String), 
               Some(hits:Integer), Some(lastPerformedUtc:java.sql.Timestamp), Some(notify:Boolean) ) => 
        new UserInquiry(id.toLong, userId, description, solrCriteria, solrCriteriaHash, 
           hits, lastPerformedUtc, notify)

How to solve that?


  • As said, this pattern matching is restored on Play master by .