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Anorm parsing JSON from PostgreSQL jsonb column

i'm running play 2.3 and have no way to update ... whil i'm trying to parse jsonb column i get the error play - Cannot invoke the action, eventually got an error: java.lang.RuntimeException: UnexpectedNullableFound(ColumnName(.sports,Some(sports)))

my code is :

case class Sport(
    id: UUID,
    name: Option[String]

implicit val SportWrites: Writes[Sport] = Json.writes[Sport]
implicit val SportReads: Reads[Sport] = (
    (JsPath \ "f1").read[UUID] and
    (JsPath \ "f2").readNullable[String]

case class Member(
    sports: List[Sport]

def memberParser: RowParser[Member] = {
    get[UUID]("member_id") ~
    get[String]("name") ~
    get[JsValue]("sports") map {
        case(id ~ name ~ sports) => Member(
            id, name

def getMember():List[Member] = DB.WithConnection{ implicit c =>
    SQL("SELECT,, m.sports::json from member m ").as(memberParser.*)

|Sports| is a jsonb postgresql column, if i dont cast this column as ::json i get a TypeDoesNotMatch error.

Json fields are named "f1", "f2", "f3"(...) because i have populated this column with data from another table with JSON_AGG(... so it's postgresql naming.

also this function is working:

def getMemberWithSports():List[Member] = DB.withConnection{ implicit c =>
        SELECT m.member_id,,
        json_agg(row_to_json(row(s.sport_id, as sports
        FROM rank_member m
        LEFT JOIN member_sport ms ON m.member_id = ms.member_id
        LEFT JOIN sport s ON ms.sport_id = s.sport_id
        GROUP BY m.member_id, m.fullname

the only difference between the results of these two SQL commande (in getMember() & getMemberWithSport() ) is that with the first query i get nothing in sport will the second query (the one that work in play) return JSON populated with null values.


  • the only workaround i've found for the moment is by adding COALESCE to the SQL query as follow:

    def getMember():List[Member] = DB.WithConnection{ implicit c =>
        SQL("SELECT,, COALESCE(m.sports::json, '[]') as sports from member m ").as(memberParser.*)