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PHP app\console wont work trying to create bundle for Symfony 2

I have installed Symfony2 on a Xampp server with PHP 5.3.8 and everything works ok ( the php, the symfony demo page ).

I try to create my own helloWorld, as the tutorial says :

php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/HelloBundle --format=yml

I go Start->Run->CMD and put that line of code and it gives me back this :

could not open input file : app/console

I put the PHP directory to the System PATH but the problem persists.


  • To execute command you should move to root directory of your project in terminal/CMD.

    Please note that in version 2.5 some changes has been made so command will not work with app/console

    Note: From 2.5 app/console is replaced by bin/console.

    Please check here for changes. Also check this for more details about difference.