I want to input a n*m (n and m are defined) matrix in verilog (where each element is of 32 bit length), but the compiler gives an error. Is there any direct way to do so? I don't want to write n*m separate input elements.
This is what I tried: input reg [31:0] matrix [0:9][0:12]
Anything wrong here?
Verilog doesn't support passing multi-dimensional arrays through ports. The feature was added in SystemVerilog.
In EDAplayground, ModelSim runs with SystemVerilog enabled. Even if you remove the -sv
command option SystemVerilog will still be enabled because the testbench and design have .sv
file extensions. SystemVerilog Can be disabled in ModelSim with the -vlog01compat
compile option. Adding this options to Morgan's Example will generate the following error: (or run here)
** Warning: (vlog-2644) Conflicting semantics, "-vlog01compat" switch disables SystemVerilog support.
-- Compiling module dut
** Error: design.sv(4): 'Port' must not be declared to be an array: matrix.
-- Compiling module tb
** Error: testbench.sv(6): (vlog-2110) Illegal reference to memory "data".
** Error: testbench.sv(6): (vlog-2110) Illegal reference to memory "data".
** Warning: testbench.sv(18): (vlog-2644) Conflicting semantics, "-vlog01compat" switch disables SystemVerilog support.
To pass the matrix you need to enable SystemVerilog or pack the matrix into a 1-Dimenion array.
) to force enable SystemVerilog on all Verilog files. The main problem with force enabling is a Verilog variable name may no conflict with a SystemVerilog keyword.To translate the matrix to a simple array:
parameter DWIDTH=32, XWIDTH=10, YWIDTH=13;
reg [DWIDTH-1:0] matrix [0:XWIDTH-1][0:YWIDTH-1];
reg [DWIDTH*XWIDTH*YWIDTH-1:0] flat;
integer x,y;
always @* begin
for (x=0; x<XWIDTH; x=x+1)
for (y=0; y<YWIDTH; y=y+1)
flat[(x*XWIDTH+y)*DWIDTH +: DWIDTH] = matrix[x][y];
reg [DWIDTH-1:0] matrix_rebuild [0:XWIDTH-1][0:YWIDTH-1];
integer xr,yr;
always @* begin
for (xr=0; xr<XWIDTH; xr=xr+1)
for (yr=0; yr<YWIDTH; yr=yr+1)
matrix_rebuild[xr][yr] = flat[(xr*XWIDTH+yr)*DWIDTH +: DWIDTH];