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Why ActivePerl does not show all modules available on CPAN in search results

Why there are some modules which can be only installed from command prompt, they are not listed in search list of modules in ActivePerl.


  • From cpan-faq

    If you're using ActivePerl on Windows, the PPM (Perl Package Manager) has much of the same functionality as

    From Activestate

    Why are some builds missing in PPM?

    Builds for a package could be missing for various reasons:

    If you see the failed icon (FAILED), it means that the build failed on that particular platform. You can click on this icon and visit the build log to diagnose what went wrong.

    If you see the missing icon (MISSING), it means that the package has not yet been built and tested by the PPM build server for this particular platform.

    If you see "n/a" it means there is no PPM repository for this platform. Currently there are no 64-bit repositories for Perl 5.8, and no 32-bit repository for Perl 5.12 on Solaris.

    What to do in case the module is missing from PPM?

    Use either cpan ModuleName or cpanm ModuleName to install it.
