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Devexpress - Xtragrid : ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Let me sketch the situation first: We have an application that monitors file-transfers from & to a fileserver. When the user transfers a/multiple file(s) then the result of the copy is shown in a overview where a Xtragrid-Gridcontrol shows all the files and if the copy was successfull or not.

When de copy was not succesfull then a combobox is shown to choose the desired action (ignore,retry, link,...). This combobox is set using the event CustomRowCellEdit

Code example from that CustomRowCellEdit:

        Dim myCb As RepositoryItemLookUpEdit = New RepositoryItemLookUpEdit
        myCb.DataSource = GenerateActionlistForDoubleFolder()
        myCb.NullValuePrompt = Documentum.Common.Tools.Translate(Tools.Config(m_Docbase), "[SELECT_ACTION]")
        myCb.NullText = Documentum.Common.Tools.Translate(Tools.Config(m_Docbase), "[SELECT_ACTION]")
        e.RepositoryItem = myCb

The problem:

Larger and larger quatities of files are being copied. the quatities are sometimes that big that the Xtragrid-Gridcontrol is often still loading when the form is shown (although the datasource has already been set).If the user interacts too soon with xtragrid-gridcontrol (while its still loading) then we get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception of the Xtragrid. (Due to the datasource of the visual component still changing)

The needed solution:

We should prevent the user to interact with grid while its still loading (seems obivious).

Not working solutions:

The event DataSourceChanged is being fired when you set the datasource. Not when all rows are loaded.

Simple enabling/disabling the grid everytime the event CustomRowCellEdit is fired -> Massive performanceloss

Question: Has anyone encoutered this problem aswell? Is there a fullproof way to detect whether an Xtragrid has completely loaded its datasource (and visualized it)? Or is there a workaround where i don't need to use the CustomRowCellEdit anymore? (Solutions from other types of grids are welcome aswell)

Thank you all for your time

Note: Don't ask for more code. The problem doesn't lie in the code, it lies in my usage of the Gridcontrol-Events

Documentation: RowCellEdit


  • I run into this sometimes in my applications as well. I primarily bind my grids to DataTables, and the solution that I've found to work the best is, while your data is loading, to set your gridControl.DataSource to null/Nothing and call Application.DoEvents(). Once the underlying datasource is filled, set the DataSource back to the source.

    The goal of this is to achieve a deterministic way of telling when your data is loaded. Here's a basic example implementation.

    myGrid.DataSource = Nothing
    myGrid.DataSource = myDataTable
    ' ...
    'Whatever actions to do that require the data to be in the grid
    ' ...