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Updating a static variable when extending a Python class

I am writing an extension to a library and I would like to register my new function with a dictionary of function pointers in the base class. My understanding is that the dictionary, since it is at the uppermost scope within a class, is static and should be update-able. However, when I try to update() the dictionary with the new function in the extended class it tells me that it is undefined. The following minimal example reproduces the error:

def somefunction1(v):
    return v

def somefunction2(v):
    return v

class SomeClass(object):
    dictionary = {'a':somefunction1}

class SomeExtensionClass(SomeClass):

Running it gives the following error

 10 class SomeExtensionClass(SomeClass):
 ---> 11         dictionary.update({'b':somefunction2})

NameError: name 'dictionary' is not defined

Since I cannot (reasonably) modify the original SomeClass is there any way around this?

Edit: The desired result is that SomeExtensionClass will have dictionary={'a':somefunction1, 'b':somefunction2}


  • If you want to modify SomeClass.dictionary, just refer to it as SomeClass.dictionary:


    Variable lookup within a class statement doesn't look through the superclasses' attributes.

    If you want a new dictionary, so SomeExtensionClass.dictionary is different from SomeClass.dictionary, you'll want to copy the original and update the copy:

    class SomeExtensionClass(SomeClass):
        dictionary = SomeClass.dictionary.copy()