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Verilog: Why the "maxcount" cannot keep its max value but changes with the "count"?

Any Help Will Be Appreciated!

I wrote this module in order to keep track of the score (<= 99) for a game written in verilog and runs on a LED Array. I want it to be able to maintain a max score. When the current count is greater than maxcount, the maxcount will be equal to the current count, else it keeps its value.

The Problem is, I do not know why the maxcount changes its value whenever count changes (It cannot keep its value when count is less, but instead become less along with the count)

Is there any logical error? Or is there any Verilog Error that I missed?

Thank you very much!

module score_keep(Clock, Reset, pt_0, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3, hex1, hex0, hex3, hex2);
    input Clock, Reset;
    input signed [3:0] pt_0, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3;
    output [6:0] hex1, hex0, hex3, hex2;

    wire signed [6:0] count;
    wire signed [6:0] maxcount;
    score_counter sc (Clock, Reset, pt_0, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3, count, maxcount);

    display(count, maxcount, hex1, hex0, hex3, hex2);


module display (count, maxcount, hex1, hex0, hex3, hex2);
    input [6:0] count, maxcount;
    output [6:0] hex1, hex0, hex3, hex2;

    wire [4:0] unit, unit_m;
    wire [4:0] tens, tens_m;

    assign unit = count % 10;
    assign tens = count / 10;

    assign unit_m = count % 10;
    assign tens_m = count / 10;

    seg7 ud (unit, hex0);
    seg7 td (tens, hex1);
    seg7 umd (unit_m, hex2);
    seg7 tmd (tens_m, hex3);


module score_counter(Clock, Reset, pt_0, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3, count, maxcount);
    input Clock, Reset;
    //input signed [3:0] sum;
    input [3:0] pt_0, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3;
    parameter signed [3:0] no_point = 4'b0000, plus_one = 4'b0001, plus_two = 4'b0010, neg_two = 4'b1110;
    //input zero, negative, carry, overflow;

    output signed [6:0] count, maxcount;
    reg signed [6:0] count, maxcount;

    ////wire PS;
    //reg NS;

    always @(posedge Clock)
        if (Reset) begin
            count <= 7'b0;
            maxcount <= 7'b0;
        end else begin
            if (count > maxcount) begin
                maxcount <= count;
            if (pt_0 == neg_two) begin
                if (count < 2) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;
                end else begin
                    count <= count - 2;
            end else begin
                count <= count + pt_0;
                if (count > 7'b100010) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;

            if (pt_1 == neg_two) begin
                if (count < 2) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;
                end else begin
                    count <= count - 2;
            end else begin
                count <= count + pt_1;
                if (count > 7'b100010) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;

            if (pt_2 == neg_two) begin
                if (count < 2) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;
                end else begin
                    count <= count - 2;
            end else begin
                count <= count + pt_2;
                if (count > 7'b100010) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;

            if (pt_3 == neg_two) begin
                if (count < 2) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;
                end else begin
                    count <= count - 2;
            end else begin
                count <= count + pt_3;
                if (count > 7'b100010) begin
                    count <= 7'b0;


  • Your displaying count for all the hex? positions.

    assign unit_m = count % 10;
    assign tens_m = count / 10;

    should be:

    assign unit_m = maxcount % 10;
    assign tens_m = maxcount / 10;