I have come across .prof
file (at least the extension tell me so) which I think was used to analyze the performance of loaders which are written in pro c language.
I am writing a new similar loader and I want to analyze the performance of my program.
I have pasted the first few lines of .prof
file here :
%Time Seconds Cumsecs #Calls msec/call Name
90.8 235.13 235.13 0 0.0000 strlen
3.2 8.17 243.30 0 0.0000 _read
1.3 3.33 246.63 897580 0.0037 Search
1.0 2.56 249.19 0 0.0000 _lseek
0.6 1.43 250.62 0 0.0000 _kill
0.5 1.39 252.01 0 0.0000 _write
0.3 0.83 252.84 864734 0.0010 _doprnt
0.3 0.75 253.59 0 0.0000 _mcount0
I am interested in two points:
That looks like an (outdated?) gprof flat profile.
These are generated with gcc by adding -pg
to the command line options, and running the program.
The profile tells us that the tested code spends a very long time running strlen()