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Boost::file_system: Checking error codes

Although I'm using C++11, this question is boost-related, since I'm processing errors from boost::file_system.

In the following situation:

try {

     // If p2 doesn't exists, canonical throws an exception
     // of No_such_file_or_directory
     path p = canonical(p2);

     // Other code

} catch (filesystem_error& e) {

    if (e is the no_such_file_or_directory exception)

} // other catchs

If I print the error value when the desired exception (no_such_file_or_directory) is thrown:

// ...
} catch (filesystem_error& e) {
     cout << "Value: " << e.code().value() << endl;

I get the value 2. It is the same value of e.code().default_error_condition().value().

My questions is: could different error conditions from different error categories have same values? I mean, does I need to check both, error categories and error values, in order to ensure I'm getting a specific error? In such a case, what is the cleanest way to do it?


  • error_codes and error_conditions with different error_categories are allowed to have the same value(). The non-member comparison functions check both the the value and category:

    bool operator==( const error_code & lhs, const error_code & rhs ) noexcept;

    Returns: lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() == rhs.value().

    Hence, the exceptions's error_code could be checked against the return from make_error_code(), such as follows:

    try {
      // If p2 doesn't exists, canonical throws an exception
      // of No_such_file_or_directory
      path p = canonical(p2);
      // ...    
    } catch (filesystem_error& e) {
      if (e.code() ==
          make_error_code(boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)) {

    Here is a complete example demonstrating two error_codes that are not equivalent despite having the same value:

    #include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
    #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
    #include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
    int main()
      // Two different error codes.
      boost::system::error_code code1 = make_error_code(
      boost::system::error_code code2 = make_error_code(
      // That have different error categories.
      assert(code1.category() != code2.category());
      assert(code1.default_error_condition().category() !=
      // Yet have the same value.
      assert(code1.value() == code2.value());
      assert(code1.default_error_condition().value() ==
      // Use the comparision operation to check both value
      // and category.
      assert(code1 != code2);
      assert(code1.default_error_condition() !=
      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      // Test with Boost.Filesytem
      catch(boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& error)
        if (error.code() == 
          std::cout << "No file or directory" << std::endl;
        if (error.code() ==
          std::cout << "Host not found" << std::endl;

    Which produces the following output:

    No file or directory