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Retrieve player score with JSON

I am trying to retrieve a player score using facebook API in Unity. This is the code that I am using:

if (FB.IsLoggedIn) {
    FB.API("/me/scores", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, scoreRetrieved);

public void scoreRetrieved(FBResult result) {
    var dict = Json.Deserialize(result.Text) as Dictionary<string,object>;
    print (dict["score"]);

and this is the result of FBResult result.text :

{"data":[{"user":{"id":"1000015239203","name":"AAA BBB"},"score":30,"application":{"name":"game","id":"2419296161993"}}]}

How can I access the score? It's not working for me a have an error because the key doesn't exist!


  • it was painfull but i found a solution:

    public void scoreRetrived(FBResult result){
        var dict = Json.Deserialize(result.Text) as Dictionary<string,object>;
        List<object> data = dict["data"] as List<object>;
        int playerScore = int.Parse(((Dictionary<string, object>)data.ToArray()[0])["score"].ToString());

    wow finally !!