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Is there a way in mustache to render a block if a section is present without iterating?

I have a section with a header that I want to show only if the array is populated, something like this:

<h1> These are the elements in the array </h1>
    <li>{{name}} - {{value}}</li>

How can I render the <h1> only if myArray is populated?

If i put it inside the # section it is rendered once for every element in the array, which is not what i want.

What's the correct way to do this?


  • {{#myArray.length}}
         <h1> These are the elements in the array </h1>

    The .length will return 0 for empty arrays so we have achieved a real falsey value.


    In terms of PHP:

         <h1> These are the elements in the array </h1>