I am building a game using Cocos2dx
. I have a sprite sheet and animation plist that specifies where all the images are.
For some reason when loading my game I get the following error:
(char [256]) msg = "Invalid spriteFrameName: PlayButton.png"
It is coming from line 159 of CCSprite.cpp
CCSprite* CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(const char *pszSpriteFrameName)
CCSpriteFrame *pFrame = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(pszSpriteFrameName);
char msg[256] = {0};
sprintf(msg, "Invalid spriteFrameName: %s", pszSpriteFrameName);
CCAssert(pFrame != NULL, msg);
return createWithSpriteFrame(pFrame);
I checked in my .plist and I do have an entry for PlayButton.png, so I have no idea why it says it is invalid.
That method is being called from the MainMenu::init()
fileName = (CCString*)sc->imageDict->objectForKey("GUI_StartButton-image");
CCSprite *startGameSprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName( fileName->m_sString.c_str() ); <--- CRASHING HERE
What could be causing this?
Maybe you can see the following message in your log console
cocos2d: SpriteFrameCache: Frame 'PlayButton.png' not found
and if that's true then you have to load your spritessheet :
CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFramesWithFile("spritessheet.plist", "spritesheet.png");