I'd like to display some HTML elements under my game on Facebook. Specifically, an image with a link to a website, but that's not the point of the question.
I understand what is required, and have successfully used the Application.ExternalEval() method, and the sample JS string provided by Facebook, to add some HTML text on top of the game itself.
I am following the information found on this page.
I have attempted the following permutations:
"var insertionPoint = body.children[0]; " + "body.insertBefore(headerElement, insertionPoint);";
"var insertionPoint = body.children[0]; " + "body.insertBefore(headerElement, insertionPoint.nextSibling);";
"var insertionPoint = body.children[1]; " + "body.insertBefore(headerElement, insertionPoint);";
After a couple of hours of frustrating trial and error, I have been unable to produce working JS injection code to display HTML immediately below the game itself on the canvas. Can someone help?
I've been trying to do the same frustrating thing for a minute, here's what I've arrived at, had to use different techniques for different browsers.
string injection = "if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"Firefox\") >= 0){;" +
"var headerElement = document.createElement('div');" +
"headerElement.innerHTML = '<img src=\"URLTOSOURCE" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: center\" />';" +
"var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];" +
"var insertionPoint = body.lastChild;" +
"body.insertBefore(headerElement, insertionPoint);" +
"}else{;" +
"var headerElement = document.createElement('div');" +
"headerElement.innerHTML = '<img src=\"URLTOSOURCE" />';" +
"var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];" +
"var insertionPoint = body.children[0]; " +
"var unityPlayer = document.getElementById('unityPlayerEmbed');" +
"unityPlayer.parentNode.insertBefore(headerElement, unityPlayer.nextSibling);" +
"var embedTag = unityPlayer.getElementsByTagName('embed');" +
"embedTag[0].setAttribute('style','display:block;width:1200px;height:600px');" +