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Error executing: DDE connection

I have installed several versions of SQL Server on my machine, but visual source safe insists in opening any .sql file using Sql Server 2008 management studio.

I have changed the default application for files .sql to be opened using SQL Server 2014 management studio but now when I right click any of my scripts, either to view of edit, it comes out with the message "Error executing: DDE connection" as you can see on the picture below.

has anyone got any solution or suggesting for this?

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Does this help?

    Have you tried setting this extention in VSS Explorer->Tools->Options->Custom Editor?


    Could you try the following?

    1. Rename

    ft000002 and ft000003 (whichever one you have listed under OpenWithProgids) keys under HKCR



    1. Rename .sql record from


    and from


    1. Add just one association for .sql file using Windows explorer.
    2. Check HKCU->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Explorer->FileExt-> OpenWithProgids You should not have ft0000xx files in there now.

    3. Check if VSS is working as expected now if not revert the changes.